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Fix Intuit Ecosystem API errors

If you ever encounter an error, the Intuit Ecosystem API server returns an error message. These messages give you clues about the issue’s source and cause.

Step 1: Capture the intuit_tid value

Server responses for gateway and service errors have an intuit_tid field in the header.

Capture this field’s value. It will help our support team quickly find and address reported issues.

Step 2: Identify the error type

When requests from apps go to our servers, they first pass through a gateway layer. Then they pass through the GraphQL Service layer. Thus, there are two general types: gateway errors and service errors.

Review the HTTP Status Code (xxx). This tells you the error type:

  • Service errors: 200 or 400 [List of possible GraphQL Error Code]
  • Gateway errors: All other ###

Step 3: Fix errors

Fix gateway errors

Gateway errors are generated when requests hit our server’s gateway layer. They apply to the whole request and follow the gateway error resposne format.

HTTP Status Code 401
  "code": "AuthenticationFailed",
  "type": "INPUT",
  "message": null,
  "detail": "Malformed bearer token: too short or too long",
  "moreInfo": null

In the server response, review the following fields:

  • HTTP Status Code - Gives you the error code
  • code - Tells you what went wrong
  • detail - Tells you what to fix

Many gateway errors are self-explanatory. Some require a bit more digging. For 401 errors, you may need to update your app’s access or refresh tokens.

See all gateway errors

Status code - Error details
302 - Resource redirect or resource has moved
401 - Unauthenticated access: application authentication failed due to invalid or expired tokens
403 - Forbidden access: authorization specific, application authorization failed due to insufficient user access role
403 - Resource not found: routing error, access or configuration on the  Gateway, or incorrect endpoint requested
405 - Method not allowed: attempt to request other than GET/POST requests
429 - Too many requests: request is throttled as it exceeded the throttle policy.
500 - Internal Server Error: missing POST body or other exceptions within application, or a service outage
502 - Bad Gateway: Infrastructure misconfiguration, propagates response from downstream, or a service outage
503 - Service unavailable: Outage
504 - Service timeout: Outage

Fix service errors

Service errors are generated when requests hit our server’s service layer.

Service errors only apply to a subset of requests, not the entire request. Responses follow the standard GraphQL service format.

See all service errors

200 - Authorization errors due to incorrect scope, or partial semantic errors
400 - GraphQL validation errors such as invalid or malformed requests and missing variables, or system errors

Most service errors are in response to malformed queries, parsing problems, validation issues, or incorrect scopes. As a result, the server won’t authorize the request.

Here’s an example of an HTTP status code 400:

  "errors": [
      "message": "cannot query field 'offset' on type 'Common_PageInfo!'",
      "extensions": {
        "type": "Common_PageInfo!",
        "field": "offset",
        "code": "INVALID_FIELD"

Here’s an example validation error:

Review the server response and use it as a guide. Each field gives clues for what failed, where, and how to fix it:

  • Message — Description of the error.
  • Extensions — Additional info and error codes:
    • code - Specific error code.
    • field — Field that has the error.
    • type — Entity that has the error.

Error by error types

EmployeeCompensation :

Error Type Error Code Error Message Error Source
SYSTEM_ERROR SYSTEM_ERROR Cannot return null for non-nullable field Payroll_EmployerCompensation.xx When Pay types data is not available in the DB
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE Service Unavailable When querying paytypes and downstream service not available
AUTHENTICATION_ERROR AUTHENTICATION_ERROR Unauthorized When Querying paytypes and dont have valid active credentials
VALIDATION_ON_FILTER_ERROR EMPTY_VALUES_PASSED_ERROR Invalid filter input. Multiple filter operations specified, only a single operation is allowed. When Querying paytypes with multiple filter options
AUTHORIZATION_ERROR AUTHORIZATION_ERROR Forbidden When Querying paytypes and dont have sufficient permissions
PERMISSION_DENIED AUTHORIZATION_ERROR Forbidden When Querying Compensations by not existing EmployeeId
INVALID_REQUEST INVALID_REQUEST Could not find any employee with RealmId ExternalEmployeeId Query PayTypes by not existing EmployeeId
INVALID_REQUEST INVALID_REQUEST Unable to find companyId for realmId= Query PayTypes for a terminated company
VALIDATION_ERROR NOT_A_VALID_NUMBER_ERROR Invalid filter input. Please provide a valid number for employeeId Query PayTypes by EmployeeId with invalid format
VALIDATION_ERROR VALIDATION_ON_FILTER_ERROR Invalid filter input. No values passed for the list Query PayTypes by Compensation Ids with empty list
VALIDATION_ERROR NOT_A_VALID_NUMBER_ERROR Invalid filter input. Please provide a valid number for id Query PayTypes by Compensation Ids with Invalid format

CustomField :

Error Type Error Code Error Message Error Source    
VALIDATION_ERROR V4_EXECUTION_FAILED Failed to execute V4 request. There was an internal server error. Please retry after a few mins.    
SYSTEM_ERROR V4_MAPPING_ERROR Failed to map V4 response object. There was an internal server error. Please retry after a few mins.    
INVALID_REQUEST V4_ENTITY_CHECK_FAILED Check Entity Response Failure There was an internal server error. Please retry after a few mins.    
INVALID_REQUEST EMPTY_VALUES_PASSED_ERROR Invalid filter input. Multiple filter operations specified, only a single operation is allowed. There was an internal server error. Please retry after a few mins.    
INVALID_REQUEST NA V4 Interaction Request is null. There was an internal server error. Please retry after a few mins.    
SYSTEM_ERROR V4_MISSING_RESPONSE_NODE Property node is missing in edges. Error while mapping the v4 response to CustomFieldDefinitionsConnection.    
SYSTEM_ERROR V4_MISSING_CFD_RESPONSE customFieldDefinitions field is missing in response Error in getting the property company while mapping the v4 response to CustomFieldDefinitionsConnection    
SYSTEM_ERROR V4_MISSING_COMPANY_RESPONSE Company field is missing in response Error in getting the property customFieldDefinitions while mapping the v4 response to CustomFieldDefinitionsConnection    
SYSTEM_ERROR V4_MISSING_RESPONSE_DATA Data field is missing in response Error in getting the property data while mapping the v4 response to CustomFieldDefinitionsConnection(Method extractEdge not used)    
SYSTEM_ERROR V4_MISSING_RESPONSE_KEY %s Key field is missing in response Error in getting any property while mapping the v4 response to CustomFieldDefinitionsConnection(Method extractEdge not used)    
SYSTEM_ERROR V4_MISSING_RESOURCE Resource is missing If any resource is missing in the write payload while creating a graphql entity for monolith call    
VALIDATION_ERROR V4_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE_REQUEST request type is unsupported Whenever request type is not Write or Read, This is for internal execution flow    
SYSTEM_ERROR UNEXPECTED_ERROR Some unknown error occurred This is thrown when error code is not passed, we can get rid of any such instances    
SYSTEM_ERROR INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR An internal server error has occurred. There is a general exception.    
INVALID_REQUEST FORBIDDEN_ACCESS Forbidden Request Not used( thrown in case of read one and readFromDB flag is not on)    
INVALID_REQUEST PRINCIPAL_FETCH_FAILED Failed to fetch principal This error would never show up for 3P customers, we can remove it    
VALIDATION_ERROR CUSTOM_FIELD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Custom field limit exceeded validates count of custom fields based on sku for advanced effective count of cf’s is no of cf’s in db, for lower sku’s effective count is calculated using the total number of parent entities like SALE or PURCHASE    
VALIDATION_ERROR CUSTOM_FIELD_ASSOCIATED_ENTITY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Content Message proposed by PM. Validates the maximum number of sub associated entity for custom fields    
VALIDATION_ERROR ACTIVE_SUB_ASSOCIATION_REQUIRED Custom field missing entity condition No the entity condition here refers to associations. If there is no active sub entity.    
VALIDATION_ERROR INVALID_SUB_ASSOCIATION Custom field unsupported entity condition No the entity condition here refers to associations. If there is no active sub entity which is not supported, for example any transaction that is not supported is sent in associations.    
VALIDATION_ERROR INVALID_DATA_TYPE Invalid custom field definition data type Data type is invalid, there is a set of enum for data type and using anything apart from this would result into this error.    
VALIDATION_ERROR INVALID_ASSOCIATION Invalid custom field definition associated entity validates mandatory fields in custom field definition associations and throws an exception when any entity is invalid. If associatedEntity not of type project, contact or transaction    
VALIDATION_ERROR ITEM_REQUIRED_IN_SUB_ASSOCIATIONS Invalid custom field definition sub association When sub association list is empty for any association    
VALIDATION_ERROR DUPLICATE_ASSOCIATION Custom field definition duplicate association If there are duplicate associations, eg contact type is passed two times    
VALIDATION_ERROR DUPLICATE_SUB_ASSOCIATION Custom field definition duplicate sub association If there are duplicate sub associations, eg sale_invoice is passed two times    
VALIDATION_ERROR ACTIVE_ITEM_REQUIRED_IN_DROPDOWN Custom field definition dropdown type invalid active allowed values count validates allowedValues list and throws an exception when allowed values count is invalid. Count is less than 2    
VALIDATION_ERROR PRINT_OPERATION_ALLOWED_ONLY Custom field definition invalid allowed operation allowedOperation is anything other than PRINT    
VALIDATION_ERROR MISSING_ALLOWED_VALUES Custom field definition value missing in dropdown allowed value No this is the case where dropdown list is added but there is no value passed or null value passed into the value field of dropdown list    
VALIDATION_ERROR DUPLICATE_ALLOWED_VALUE Custom field definition duplicate value in dropdown allowed value Value field has duplicate value in allowed definition    
VALIDATION_ERROR LABEL_REQUIRED Custom field definition null or empty label If label is null or empty    
VALIDATION_ERROR LABEL_ALREADY_EXISTS Custom field definition duplicate label      
VALIDATION_ERROR LABEL_LENGTH_EXCEEDED Custom field definition label length exceeded      
VALIDATION_ERROR INVALID_LABEL_CHARACTERS Custom field definition label regex mismatch This is an error when the label has some special characters or it doesn’t matches the validations for naming a custom field. We can send back the regex in error saying that this should match the label    
VALIDATION_ERROR DUPLICATE_ALLOWED_VALUE_ID Custom field definition duplicate id in dropdown allowed value dropdown list is added but id field has duplicate values of dropdown list    
VALIDATION_ERROR UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE Unsupported custom field definition data type for company sku Different SKUs has different data types supported for example, simple start only supports the text type of Custom field    
VALIDATION_ERROR ITEM_REQUIRED_IN_DROPDOWN Custom field definition value no dropdown allowed values present Yes, The error message also denotes the same.    
VALIDATION_ERROR PRINT_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_ALLOWED_OPERATION Custom field definition print limit exceeded for sub entity This is the case that PRINT is passed for sub associations(transactions) on which print is not supported    
VALIDATION_ERROR PRINT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_FOR_ENTITY Custom field definition print limit exceeded No for any CF created, the user can specify “PRINT” only for a maximum of three transactions, i.e. “SALE”, “SALE_INVOICE”, “SALE_ESTIMATE”.    
VALIDATION_ERROR ID_REQUIRED Missing id in custom field definition In case of update, id is not passed    
VALIDATION_ERROR MISSING_SCHEMA Schema is null/missing Should not show up for 3P as we map the request fields to schema.    
SYSTEM_ERROR CUSTOM_FIELD_SAVE_FAILED Error saving Custom field definition We can add error message to retry in these cases    
  VALIDATIONS_NOT_FOUND   If any error occurs in fetching the threshold limits from variability engine    
SYSTEM_ERROR ID_NOT_FOUND Custom field to be updated not found Id for update entity doesn’t exist    
SYSTEM_ERROR UNEXPECTED_UPDATE_FAILED Custom field update not supported When legacyID v4 is not passed correctly for 3P, others when legacyId doesn’t matches the existing CFDs    
SYSTEM_ERROR READ_ERROR Error reading Custom field definitions We can add error message to retry in these cases    
INVALID_REQUEST PERSONA_ID_FETCH_FAILED Failed to fetch personaId from principal This error would never show up for 3P customers, we can remove it    
VALIDATION_ERROR FIELD_MISSING Field %s cannot be null or empty This error is thrown when a field is null or empty    
VALIDATION_ERROR ACTIVE_ITEM_REQUIRED_IN_SUB_ASSOCIATIONS Custom field missing active entity If there are no active sub associations    
INVALID_REQUEST AUTHORIZATION_DENIED Forbidden Access If user is not having allowed permission to make a request or insufficient privilege    
SYSTEM_ERROR AUTHORIZATION_FETCH_FAILED Failed to fetch authz decision If there is connection timeout, or gateway timeout etc (system error)    
SYSTEM_ERROR UNDETERMINED_AUTHORIZATION_DECISION AuthZ could not get a expected decision If authZ response is indeterminate or not applicable    

Project error code :

Error Code Error Message
DUPLICATE_PROJECT_NAME_FOR_CLIENT Project name already exists
INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS Invalid Email , It should be valid and should follow the standard email format
WORKFLOW_QUERY_JOB_NOT_FOUND Job with id 300 not found
WORKFLOW_INVALID_JOB_ID Job id is invalid.
WORKFLOW_QUERY_DATE_RANGE_ERROR The date range Tue Oct 07 00:00:00 UTC 2025 to Fri Dec 06 00:00:00 UTC 2024 is invalid
INVALID_STATUS Status %s is invalid
ValidationError “Variable ‘status’ has an invalid value: Invalid input for Enum ‘ProjectManagement_Status’. No value found for name ‘OPENN
INVALID_ASSIGNEE_ID Assignee Id must be exactly 15 characters.
NULL_CLIENT_OII_ID Client oii id must not be null.
INVALID_CLIENT_OII_ID Client oii id must be exactly 15 characters.
NULL_CLIENT_LOCAL_ID Client local id must not be null.
INVALID_CLIENT_LOCAL_ID Invalid client local id %s
CLIENT_LOCAL_ID_NULL_FOR_SMB For SMB, client local id must not be null
CLIENT_OII_ID_NULL_FOR_INSERVICETOTYPE_CONTACT For inService type Contact, Client oii id must not be null
CLIENT_OII_ID_NOT_NULL_FOR_INSERVICETOTYPE_SELF For inService type Self, Client oii id must be null
CLIENT_LOCAL_ID_NULL_FOR_INSERVICETOTYPE_CONTACT For inService type Contact, Client local id must not be null
CLIENT_LOCAL_ID_NOT_NULL_FOR_INSERVICETOTYPE_SELF For inService type Self, Client local id must be null
INSERVICETOTYPE_DEFAULT_ERROR InService type Contact : Client oii id & local id cannot be null; for type SELF: Client oii id & local id must be null
NULL_NAME Name must not be null.
INVALID_PROJECT_NAME_WITH_COLON Project name cannot include a colon.
INVALID_PROJECT_NAME_ONLY_WHITE_SPACES Project names cannot only contain white spaces.
NULL_TEAM Team must not be null.
INVALID_TEAM Team must be exactly 15 characters.
INVALID_PROJECT_COMPLETION_RATE_AMOUNT Project completion rate must be between 00.00 and 100.00
ADDRESSLINE1_EXCEEDS_CHARACTER_LIMIT Exception while fetching data (/projectManagementCreateProject) : No enum constant
INVALID_DESCRIPTION_SIZE Description must be between 0-1500 characters.
INVALID_QUERY_ENTITY_ID_LIMIT Project IDs exceeded the limit of %s
INVALID_NAME Name must be between 1-80 characters
INVALID_PRIORITY Project priority must be null or in range [0,9]
AUTHZ_ERROR Something went wrong in AuthZ: %s
AUTHZ_UNDETERMINDED_DECISION_ERROR AuthZ could not get a expected decision: %s
AUTHZ_DENIED_ERROR AuthZ denied decision
AUTHORIZATION_INVALID_TARGET_REALM Authorization failed: target realm id is invalid
AUTHORIZATION_INVALID_CSRF Authorization failed: CSRF is invalid for the realm
DEFAULT_ERROR An error has occurred. %s
DataFetchingException After cursor value shoud be null or base64 string value
GRAPHQL_VALIDATION_FAILED String cannot represent a non string value

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